The Tolosa Choral Festival is suspended

The Tolosa Choral Contest suspends its competition and welcomes a Festival 2
The Tolosa Choral Contest suspends its competition and welcomes a Festival
Tolosako Abesbatza Jaialdia -Certamen Coral de Tolosa 2020
Special edition of the Tolosa Choral Festival in December

The Tolosa Choral Festival is suspended

Tolosako Abesbatza Jaialdia -Certamen Coral de Tolosa 2020

Given the situation we are going through with a non-truce pandemic, we are obliged to suspend the Tolosa Choral Festival to be held from this Sunday, October 25. The very social responsibility that we must all have at the moment has led us to make this decision, always having the support of the institutions to which we want to thank their understanding, as well as the sponsors, choirs and spectators in general that we know will understand this difficult resolution made.
